Hi there! I have exciting news ...

My book is now available:

Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best

Hi there!

I have exciting news ...

My new book is now available:

Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best

Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best.

This book is for you!

In a world with so many demands and expectations, balance is a strategic move.

“This book is excellent. A true map to the balanced life we all deserve.”

“Encouraging, empowering, wise, funny.”

“I've never felt more seen than through your words on these pages.”

This book is for you!

In a world with so many demands and expectations, balance is a strategic move.

Pre Order Now!

This pivotal book will teach you how to take back control of your days, calm your mind, feel confident in you choices, be there for others while making yourself a priority too, and more. Stacey shares real-life messy lessons through personal stories that will leave you thinking, I'm not alone,

or, At least I didn't do that!


Stacey Olson

Stacey L. Olson is a Leadership and Positive Psychology Certified Coach and has more than 15 years of corporate experience. She works with leaders and professionals at all levels, many of who have the daily juggle of work, kids and rest of life -- all the things -- helping them to create more balance and less stress without sacrificing their performance.

Stacey has also gone through her own transformational change from being close to burning out trying to juggle her own demanding corporate career and family life to now thriving (even in the messiness of everyday life) and figuring out what it really takes to have it all . . . hint, you have to stop doing it all!

You can lead even stronger, perform even better, and enjoy life so much more when you do!

“This book is excellent. A true map to the balanced life we all deserve.”

“Encouraging, empowering, wise, funny.”

“I've never felt more seen than through your words on these pages.”

There is a better way

to be successful than what we've been taught or told all our lives.

Being busy, overwhelmed and working long hours, while sacrificing your well-being and family time, is simply not necessary and it is hurting your performance.

It's keeping you from being your best as a leader, as a parent, as a person.

Stacey Olson, CPPC, Leadership and Positive Psychology Certified Coach

I'm Stacey!

I work with leaders and teams who want to go from being too busy and burning out to creating more balance, well-being and higher levels of performance.

You can work less and be more effective. You can feel happier and be your best at work and home even with all the demands and messiness of everyday life. You can lead by example by taking care of yourself and focusing on what really matters, creating a positive ripple effect for others around you.

This all starts with an understanding that our happiness and well-being fuel performance and success. Yet this is what's often sacrificed to "get the job done". The traditional thinking that if we just work harder, we will be successful and then we'll be happy, is backward and is undermining performance.

Because it is really hard to be your best when you are feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, scattered and pulled in so many directions, or sacrificing your values and what’s important to you.




Be At Your Best Roadmap

Your complete step-by-step guide to being at your best, for more balance and less stress.

Imagine if you could be at your best at both work and home, WITHOUT all the overwhelm, worry and working the long hours. What would your life look like then?

Work with me

Courses + Group Coaching


Whether you want to learn how to say no, focus your time, or go all in to become the balanced leader you want to be, we have a next step right-sized for you. Enrollment is now open for The Balanced Leader™ Group Coaching Program starting mid-October 2024!

Speaking + Workshops


Support your team or organization with an engaging keynote or workshop to help them be more balanced, stress less, and perform even better. Topics cover boundaries, saying no, reducing overwhelm, and more—so they can be balanced as leaders and in their lives.

Private Coaching


Looking for a leadership or executive coach to help you become more balanced, less overwhelmed, focus on the right things, or something else? Book a call and we can see what's right for you! There is currently a waitlist for Fall 2024.


Be At Your Best Roadmap

Your complete step-by-step guide to being at your best, for more balance and less stress.

Work with me

Courses + Group Coaching


Whether you want to learn how to say no, focus your time, or go all in to become the balanced leader you want to be, we have a next step right-sized for you. Enrollment is now open for The Balanced Leader™ Group Coaching Program starting mid-October 2024!

Speaking + Workshops


Support your team or organization with a keynote or workshop on balance, focus on what really matters, resilience, well-being and positive leadership for greater satisfaction, engagement, mental health, relationships, performance, and more.

Private Coaching


Looking for a leadership or executive coach to help you become more balanced, less overwhelmed, focus on the right things, or something else? Book a call and we can see what's right for you! There is currently a waitlist for Fall 2024.

Work with me

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More Free Resources

(Here are some resources to get you started)

More Free Resources

(Here are some resources to get you started)

The secret of how leaders who have it all - life balance AND high performance - operate behind the scenes

Discover the powerful choices available to you to take back control of your days, have more time and energy for what really matters to you at work and at home, and feel happier, less overwhelmed and more present in your life.

The secret of how leaders who have it all - life balance AND high performance - operate behind the scenes

Discover the powerful choices available to you to take back control of your days, have more time and energy for what really matters to you at work and at home, and feel happier, less overwhelmed and more present in your life.

Being Real & Resilient

Discover how busy leaders are navigating daily stressors and setbacks with more ease, confidence and optimism in uncertain times.

Being Real & Resilient

Discover how busy leaders are navigating daily stressors and setbacks with more ease, confidence and optimism in uncertain times.

Be At Your Best Roadmap

Your complete step-by-step guide to being at your best, for more balance and less stress.

Tools & Resources

Coaching to success!

What people are saying...

"Working with Stacey has allowed me to learn how to prioritize my most important work, build boundaries around my workday and since working with her I’ve felt less overwhelmed and more productive in my days."



"When I first started, I was feeling so off-balance with life. Now, I feel so much better! I am far more balanced, I feel calmer, and I am way less overwhelmed in my day. This allows me to see more clearly the things that matter the most and focus my time and energy on those things, and I feel proud of myself and what I have done each day."



"I am cultivating a new understanding of what success means to me, to ensure that I am able to deliver great job performance, but also personal balance and satisfaction."



"Deeply committed to helping clients with transformational change. I highly recommend her!"

I had the pleasure of working with Stacey in the corporate world at FCC, where she was a stellar portfolio and project manager. She was viewed as a high-potential employee and was leading the Enterprise Portfolio Management Office when she left FCC to follow her passion, which is bringing out the best in others through coaching.
As a seasoned coach and consultant, I am proud to be a mentor of Stacey’s. She is intelligent, perceptive, warm and
deeply committed to helping clients with transformational change. I highly recommend her!

Kellie Garrett

Executive Coach, Speaker

"Deeply committed to helping clients with transformational change. I highly recommend her!"

I had the pleasure of working with Stacey in the corporate world at FCC, where she was a stellar portfolio and project manager. She was viewed as a high-potential employee and was leading the Enterprise Portfolio Management Office when she left FCC to follow her passion, which is bringing out the best in others through coaching.
As a seasoned coach and consultant, I am proud to be a mentor of Stacey’s. She is intelligent, perceptive, warm and
deeply committed to helping clients with transformational change. I highly recommend her!

Kellie Garrett

Executive Coach, Speaker

What's on my mind?

Read More Blog Articles Here

Really, It’s Okay to Say No

Really, It’s Okay to Say No

I'm reassessing my boundaries and priorities—both at work and personally. This ALWAYS involves saying 'no' more. ...more


August 29, 20243 min read

The Mental Load You Carry

The Mental Load You Carry

In this short video, I talk about the mental load we carry, especially as women and moms, share my current experience with it, and end on how you can lighten the load! ...more

Balance ,Self Improvement

August 22, 20241 min read

How Do I Balance it All? I Don’t!

How Do I Balance it All? I Don’t!

We can prioritize better and say no a whole lot more. We can let go of the guilt and worry that consume our precious mental energy. We can be more present in our lives and stop feeling so darn stresse... ...more


August 20, 20243 min read

Boundaries Make You Effective

Boundaries Make You Effective

You might believe that working harder and putting in all those extra hours is what’s leading to your stellar performance, or perhaps you fear being unable to keep up with it all. ...more

Balance ,Self Improvement

August 16, 20242 min read

Your Values Are Your Compass

Your Values Are Your Compass

Struggling with inner conflict and stress? Ever feel lost in the moment when making a choice on how to navigate a situation? Lead with your values to help guide your choices. ...more

Balance ,Self Improvement

August 14, 20243 min read

Being Perfect is Overrated

Being Perfect is Overrated

Striving to be your best self, especially in our demanding lives, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out, thinking we need to do it all and have all the good habits to succeed. Especially as w... ...more

Balance ,Self Improvement

August 09, 20242 min read

Back to Home

Really, It’s Okay to Say No

I'm reassessing my boundaries and priorities—both at work and personally. This ALWAYS involves saying 'no' more. ...more


August 29, 20243 min read

Really, It’s Okay to Say No

The Mental Load You Carry

In this short video, I talk about the mental load we carry, especially as women and moms, share my current experience with it, and end on how you can lighten the load! ...more

Balance ,Self Improvement

August 22, 20241 min read

The Mental Load You Carry

How Do I Balance it All? I Don’t!

We can prioritize better and say no a whole lot more. We can let go of the guilt and worry that consume our precious mental energy. We can be more present in our lives and stop feeling so darn stresse... ...more


August 20, 20243 min read

How Do I Balance it All? I Don’t!

Boundaries Make You Effective

You might believe that working harder and putting in all those extra hours is what’s leading to your stellar performance, or perhaps you fear being unable to keep up with it all. ...more

Balance ,Self Improvement

August 16, 20242 min read

Boundaries Make You Effective

Your Values Are Your Compass

Struggling with inner conflict and stress? Ever feel lost in the moment when making a choice on how to navigate a situation? Lead with your values to help guide your choices. ...more

Balance ,Self Improvement

August 14, 20243 min read

Your Values Are Your Compass

Being Perfect is Overrated

Striving to be your best self, especially in our demanding lives, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out, thinking we need to do it all and have all the good habits to succeed. Especially as w... ...more

Balance ,Self Improvement

August 09, 20242 min read

Being Perfect is Overrated
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For ideas for action, life-changing perspective shifts and inspiring nudges to be your best even with all the demands and expectations. I keep it real, share the everyday messiness of life and empower you to find a positive path forward.

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