Stacey Olson

Boundaries Make You Effective

August 16, 20242 min read

You likely know you need to stop overworking, say ‘no’ more, and protect your personal time better. Maybe you’re feeling stressed to the max, cranky with people, or at your breaking point.

You might believe that working harder and putting in all those extra hours is what’s leading to your stellar performance, or perhaps you fear being unable to keep up with it all. You tell yourself:

• “I have no choice.”
• “It’s a busy time and will pass.”
• “I’m tough enough to push through.”
• “People won’t think I’m a team player if I make my personal time a priority.”
• “I have to do it all.”

It’s time to challenge those limiting beliefs with more helpful and empowering ones, such as:

“My time is valuable.”

Recognizing that your time is precious and finite fosters self-respect and ownership of your time. This belief empowers you to prioritize tasks, commitments, and relationships that align with your values and true priorities, and to say ‘no’ more.

“It’s okay to say no.”

Understanding that you have the autonomy and agency to decline requests or demands that don’t serve your best interests or align with your boundaries, values and priorities will help you make wiser choices regarding your time and attention.

“Boundaries enable me to feel and be my best.”

When you protect your time and energy, you’re better able to focus on what truly matters. You’ll also feel better. This leads to higher-quality work, stronger relationships, and a more fulfilling and balanced life.

This underscores the belief that boundaries aren’t just protective but also productive.

What is a more empowering belief you can have around your boundaries?

Stacey L. Olson

A special reminder: my book, Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best, is available for sale on Amazon and other major book retailers and other book retailers.

This book is the result of months and, really, years of thought, effort, and care to create something life-changing and help you be happier, balanced, and successful—whatever that looks like for YOU.

Available here!

Stacey Olson Author Boundaries Balanced

Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

Stacey L. Olson

Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

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