Speaking & Workshops

Stacey Olson

Stacey Olson

Your Next Speaker

Your Next Speaker

Learn simple ways to shift your thinking and behaviours to be more balanced, focused, and resilient so you can be your best . . .

even with all the demands and expectations

Learn simple ways to shift your thinking and behaviours to be more balanced, resilient and positive, no matter what's going on around you.

Speaking Topics

Balance &Resilience

Stacey offers speaking on balance, giving your best work, positive leadership, resilience and thriving in challenging situations, and more. Contact to discuss partnering for your next event!

Offering In-Person and Virtual Workshops and Speaking Events



Building Skills of Balance, Resilience, Focus, Well-Being and Leadership

Are you looking for a different way to engage your employees to achieve better results?

Stacey Olson offers highly valuable and engaging workshops to help people flourish, and uses proven tools and techniques to adjust thinking and behaviors.

Stacey can partner with your leadership teams and employees to create more balance, build resilience and perform at a higher level. This can be accomplished in workshops or a longer engagement that combines workshops and coaching to create the change you want to see.

Whether an individual workshop, presentation or workshop series, Stacey brings experience, strong facilitation, objective perspective, and a collaborative and fun attitude to partner with your internal teams and create positive, sustainable change.

Here are some possible speaking and workshop topics:

The Balanced Leader (Balance and Leadership Focus)

Winning Work-Life Balance

Being Real and Resilient (Balance and Resilience Focus)

Take Care of Your Mind (Balance and Mental Health Focus)

Contact for pricing and complimentary strategy session to understand your needs and define goals.

Media Kit

Want to discuss how I can best serve you or your team to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better?

Let's Connect on LinkedIn

Connect and Follow Me on LinkedIn for inspiration, insights, and more.

This is where I hang out the most on social media.

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