When Everything Seems to be Going Wrong
Ever feel like everything seems to be going wrong?
The past few days for me have been bumpy, and the challenges seem to be coming all at once. A couple of nights ago on my walk, I was feeling down and asking myself, “Why is this all happening?!”
Life is full of events and situations beyond our control. People demand more than we can give, loved ones face illnesses, and responsibilities pile up. It can get tough, messy, and overwhelming at times.
Whatever is happening, we always have a choice in how we respond to these challenges.
When you remember you have a choice, you can cut out a lot of the overwhelm. You use your time and energy more wisely. You can take a breather or have a good cry, and then get back to figuring it out.
You can navigate the days with more calm, ease—and even joy. What helps me?
NOT being exhausted and burned out in the first place. You have more capacity to handle the more stressful moments!
Prioritizing every day what helps me feel better, such as a daily walk, meditation, and breaks throughout the day to reset (even when I feel like I "don't have time").
Using my emotions as a cue to pay attention (not being hard on myself for feeling that way).
Focusing my energy and attention on what I can control (and away from what is outside of my control).
Optimism and the belief that this is temporary and things will work out.
Being present and mindful of how I'm showing up with people.
Daily gratitude and focusing on what is good and the wins.
Being optimistic doesn’t mean pretending everything is okay or that you don’t acknowledge when you’re struggling. It's being able to look at a situation and make the best of it, even when it’s tough. It's noticing where you have a choice and believing in a positive future.
It's being willing to keep moving forward. And hunting for the good—I promise you, it's there!
What can help you navigate the tougher days with more calm and ease?
I talk more about this in an off-the-cuff video I recorded on Monday, with three ways balance in life can help you navigate the tougher moments. Go here to watch or listen.
You'll learn this and so much more about yourself in Your Balanced and Bold Life, Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best.
I'm here cheering you on :)

A special reminder: my book, Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best, is available for sale on Amazon.
This book is the result of months and, really, years of thought, effort, and care to create something life-changing and help you be happier, balanced, and successful—whatever that looks like for YOU.