Summer Slow Down

This is the Permission You've Been Waiting For

June 27, 20243 min read

At the start of this week, I had big plans to move forward with a couple of projects to promote the book, get in final coaching sessions with clients, and wrap up lingering tasks before summer break.

But as the days went on, I also found myself wanting to do only the most critical tasks and nothing else.

By Wednesday, I was "calling it a season".

I gave myself permission to just let go of all the extra things I was going to do for now and wrap it up. To switch gears into summer vacation mode.

It has been several months of big projects, wonderful clients, and more hard deadlines than usual.

Especially in June, with my book launch and more family events with our kids—Emmett's Grade 8 graduation, Carter's 16th birthday, and Brittany's convocation from the University of Vancouver—all within a 10-day period.

So many wins and special moments.

And . . . I am done!

Not burned out. Not overwhelmed. Just done with work and schedules and deadlines for a bit.

I used to think this was a bad thing or a sign of laziness or procrastination. Not giving it my all, all the time.

But I have learned to listen to the subtle signs and what my instincts are telling me.

And right now, it is telling me to slow it down.

To let work go for now.

No meetings or emails or social media.

To live on lake time.

And trust everything will be okay to wait for a few weeks.

To give myself permission to truly enjoy our summer vacation and unscheduled time for some relaxation and fun.

(Today is my last day).

As I talked about in last week's email, it is easier to disconnect when you decide to just do it.

What do you need to give yourself permission for?

It really is okay to slow it down for a bit. To switch gears. To let go of the pressure.

You can be present in the moment and with the people around you, and truly enjoy your personal time without feeling guilty that you should be doing more.

If you're feeling burned out and need a break, your intuition is speaking to you. It's time to listen. Your future self will thank you for it.

Work will be there when you get back. These summer moments won’t.

(And if you can't give yourself permission, consider this post your permission slip ;)).

To help you enjoy your summer more, here are a few resources for you:

I will leave you with this final nudge.

Give yourself permission to do whatever your heart desires.

Take a break.

Get outside.

Rest and relax.

Watch an extra movie or two.

Let the kids have more free time to do what their heart desires.

Leave the house cleaning and errands for now.

Go for a paddle board or whatever gives you joy.

Put your phone away and be present.

Wait until you're back at work to worry about email or the task you didn't get to.

Say ‘yes’ to doing something fun.

Say ‘no’ to doing the thing you don’t want to do.

Let go of the guilt for what you didn't do.

Pat yourself on the back for what you did do.

Stop expecting everything to go smoothly and go with the flow.

Lead by example for others by making your personal time a priority.

Enjoy YOUR view.

Be present, not perfect.

All my best,

Stacey L. Olson
Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

Stacey L. Olson

Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

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