Cut Yourself Some Slack

Cut Yourself Some Slack

November 27, 20202 min read

Where do you need to cut yourself some slack?

I’m coming off a couple of weeks with the kids’ school closed, juggling that in a busy time of year with clients . . . and at the very same time feeling the urge to simply do nothing!

I am reminded of the unnecessary pressure we put on ourselves, especially right now.

I took things off my plate in the mornings to make room in my day to help my 10-year old who needs more help with school.

I focused on what was essential, which for me was being present with my coaching clients and workshops I was hosting (and let go of the rest - for the most part).

I kept strong boundaries and did not work evenings because I know when I am run down and don’t take time to recharge, I am less productive and everything feels harder.

But, I also found that I carried a constant feeling of not doing enough. I felt like I shoulda, coulda, woulda been doing more.

Even though I know better ;-).

This is unnecessary and unhelpful stress that we bring on ourselves. When you can step out of it, you free up energy, you're more present and feel more peace.

I had to remember to cut myself some slack. To be kind to myself. To let go of the feeling of not doing enough. How can you do this? Every day . . .

1) Write out the wins. What did you do to contribute or show up in the way that you wanted to, learn a lesson from what didn’t go well or even just take one small step forward? It’s too easy to focus on everything you did not do, so put the focus on what you did do!

2) Keep it simple. It is amazing how much you can cut out when you are striving for simplicity versus perfection.

3) Let it go. When the feelings of not doing enough bubble up, acknowledge it with kindness, say "let it go" out loud (yes it can feel silly) and reframe it: what’s a better way to see the situation?

When you give yourself permission that, for today, you gave your best – and tomorrow is a new day –  life gets a little easier to navigate. You take some of the pressure off.

Cutting yourself some slack . . . this is building your resilience in the moment.

I think we all could use this a bit more right now 😉. So again, my question for you today: Where do you need to cut yourself some slack?

Stacey L. Olson

A special reminder: my book, Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best, is available for sale on Amazon.

This book is the result of months and, really, years of thought, effort, and care to create something life-changing and help you be happier, balanced, and successful—whatever that looks like for YOU.

Available here!

Stacey Olson Author Balanced and Bold Life

Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

Stacey L. Olson

Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

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