Be Present for the Moments That Matter
Being present is my number one value and something I’m intentional about every. single. day.
Sometimes, this means being there for the moments that truly matter most—like when my mom suddenly passed away three years ago today.
More often this means being present in the small, everyday moments—the messy, imperfect ones that fill our days.
“You're going to miss this one day.”
This is something I tell myself whenever I feel distracted from the present moment, especially with my kids. The good moments and the not-so-good ones.
The good moments, like when Fridays were family pizza and movie nights—my favorite night of the week. Two years ago, it was almost every Friday. Now, it’s a rare occurrence as our teens are off doing their own thing.
And the not-so-good moments, like when I’m feeling frustrated or annoyed.
Midnight pickups as the kids get older. Workdays interrupted by driving them to two different schools for a few years. Or way back when they would sneak into our bed at night and ask for one more snuggle.
“You're going to miss this one day.”
These words help me stay centered and remember that time is fleeting. They remind me to pause and be fully present—even when life feels overwhelming.
They help me slow down and enjoy the moment.
This perspective shifts me to appreciate what is and accept what I can’t—or choose not to—change. You too can shift your perspective.
But it’s not just about kids. It’s about whatever stage of life we’re in.
Being the age you're at and still able to run, walk, or enjoy good health. Or being younger and full of energy, with skin that still glows.
The career and work you’re doing now—finding meaning in the tough days and celebrating the big and small wins we often overlook.
Having weekend fun with your kids and friends, or quiet moments to ourselves that we may take for granted.
Because the present moment is where we truly live—yet we often pay very little attention to it.
This can feel like a challenge in today's busy, fast-paced world.
But being able to focus your attention, be mindful of your thoughts and actions, and appreciate the moment (even when it’s hard and messy) can make all the difference.
So the real power comes when you can learn to be present in ANY moment, whether it's with your family or at work or just taking some quiet time alone.
This will help calm your busy mind, even with all the demands and stress around you. So that you can . . .
Focus on the task at hand.
Connect better with the people you are with.
Feel calmer and less overwhelmed in your day.
Notice if your thoughts are helping you or hindering you.
Step out of overthinking and be more decisive.
Clearly see the choices that matter most.
Free up your mental energy.
Experience more joy and peace in the everyday moments.
Stop thinking about work all the time!
Be present for the moments that truly matter.
Start paying attention to the present moment like your life depends on it. Because the present moment is all we really have.
It's a game-changer when it comes to being balanced in your life and as a leader.
For me, these days, the late-night pickups keep getting later. The boys now drive themselves to school (not missing that yet). Bedtime snuggles with my kids are a thing of the past (I’d love nothing more than a snuggle).
I'm still really missing Friday family movie nights. But I also remind myself to enjoy what current Fridays offer—some rare alone time with my husband, which we didn’t have before.
And I often think about how thankful I am that I made the decision to go be with my mom three years ago, not knowing that she would die only a few days later.
“You’re going to miss this one day.”
How could this perspective help you be more present with something in your life right now—whether it’s with your kids or something else going on?
It’s often the small, everyday moments that mean the most.
And, someday, you might miss them too.

What’s next? Get your copy of Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best, available on Amazon and other major online retailers, or visit www.staceyolson.ca/book.
This book will guide you to be happier, balanced, and successful—whatever that looks like for YOU!