8 Ways To Disconnect and Enjoy a Real Break

8 Ways To Disconnect and Enjoy a Real Break

June 29, 20215 min read

Want to really enjoy your summer vacation?

So many people are ready for a real break. When you're feeling tapped out from juggling it all. Dreaming of vacation days, some downtime and fun with your family and friends, and the joy of simply disconnecting from your usual daily responsibilities.

If this is you, your mind and body are giving you signs that it’s time for a break.

I know this because I have heard it from so many people and I feel it myself.

You also might feel overwhelmed by the idea of stepping away from the office for a week or two because the work will pile up while you are away.

Or think that it would be a great idea to take a couple of your planned vacation days to actually get work done without any distractions or people to interrupt you.

Or some big new project popped up, or a resource left and you no longer think it’s possible to take the time away and feel guilty if you do.

It can be easy to cut short your vacation time or stay connected by checking email, but it's far more important for your well-being and performance to take your vacation and a real break. Especially if you're feeling like you need one!

Since we don’t “turn off” as often as we should in our day-to-day lives, “turning off” on vacation is more important than ever. 

It will make you mentally sharper, perform better and bring a fresh perspective when you return.

Vacations are vital for rejuvenation, especially for high-achievers. - Michael Hyatt

Here are eight ways to set yourself up to take that much-needed time to reset and enjoy your earned vacation:

Communicate your boundaries and set expectations.

Let people know you are going to be away and that you won't be accessible. Make it clear who is in charge in your absence. Turn on your out-of-office.

Something like “I am disconnecting from work to recharge, be present and enjoy time with my family, and will not be checking or responding to messages during this time" can go a long way to set expectations.

Delegate to your team and remind yourself that things can go on without you.

Planning in advance to delegate work and decision-making can set you and your team up well. It's also a great opportunity to give people the chance to step up and handle situations while you are away. Be clear who is in charge and let them do their job.

Work proceeds, issues arise and get fixed, and things keep going on. Check your ego and know you are not the only person who can solve things.

Commit to yourself to not check-in. 

To truly disconnect, you can’t be checking in on work or people! If you really can't let go, then hide your phone or laptop away, delete email apps and other ways you stay connected, and turn off notifications.

Set yourself up for success and limit the path of least resistance. You can do this!

Block meeting-free buffer days before and after your vacation.

This will give you space to get things finished up before you go and, when you come back into the office, you have time to catch up. It is easier to disconnect knowing you have scheduled time to ease back into things. This is a MUST do for me personally.

Give yourself permission to take YOUR vacation and recharge.

Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Yet many people need to actually give themselves permission that it is okay to take some time off.

This is an opportunity to give yourself the full physical and mental break you deserve. To be present with the people you love. To have some fun. There is more to life than work and these are the small, everyday moments to soak it up. 

Experience the novelty of what’s going on around you. 

Use your time and energy to enjoy what’s around you in the moment while you're on vacation, rather than worrying or checking in on what’s going on somewhere else. Be present. You have places to see and things to experience while on vacation.

When you are not focusing your attention on what’s going on in the present moment, you miss out on the simple joys around you (and it keeps you stuck in work mode).

Let go of the worries and guilt.

This steals your presence. It steals your joy. It wastes your energy. It does NOT give you the break you definitely need. 

Be a great example for others. 

For your team, your kids, your partner, etc . . . disconnecting from work shows you value well-being and personal time as much as work time and sets a strong example for others to do the same.

* * * *

We all need a break from work and other daily responsibilities to rejuvenate ourselves, and you can’t fully give yourself that physical and mental break if you don’t disconnect from those responsibilities.

Besides, if you are someone who finds it too overwhelming or you're too busy to take a day off, then that’s a sign you really do need it ;-).

So give yourself permission to take a real break and set yourself up for success. Your future self will thank you for it.

Stacey L. Olson

A special reminder: my book, Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More, and Be Your Best, is available for sale on Amazon.

This book is the result of months and, really, years of thought, effort, and care to create something life-changing and help you be happier, balanced, and successful—whatever that looks like for YOU.

Available here!

Stacey Olson Author Balanced and Bold Life
Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

Stacey L. Olson

Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

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