4 Simple Ways To Wrap Up The Year, Enjoy The Holiday Season & Start 2019 Off Strong!

4 Simple Ways To Wrap Up The Year, Enjoy The Holiday Season & Start 2019 Off Strong!

December 19, 20187 min read

As the year comes to an end, you might find yourself busier than ever, scrambling to get done project tasks at work, attending all the Christmas parties, and getting everything ready for the holidays at home.

It can either be a very stressful time . . . or a time for reflection and new beginning, depending where you’re at in your life and your perspective.

Either way, it is important to take time over the holidays to really enjoy it instead of the usual hustle and grind – it’s a chance for you to recharge from your busy life and be present with those you love most (even if you have the urge to work).

Life can often feel overstuffed and you don’t want your family to feel like this is just one more thing on the to-do list. 

Study after study shows that, when people late in life look back at their lives, they regret not making more time for their family and important relationships (not more time at the office).

So give yourself and others your presence and attention over the holidays, and then you can jump back in to things strong in the New Year.

Here are a few steps you can wrap up the year in the office, enjoy the break and then be ready for that fresh start for 2019.

1) Block your full last day in the office in December (no meetings!)

Instead of being in back-to-back meetings or focusing on everyone else’s needs, block your last day in the office so you can focus on the important tasks you need to finish up, tie up loose ends, and set yourself up to comfortably leave with everything done that needs to get done (and let go of what isn’t necessary).

If you’ve already got stuff booked, look at what you can clear off your calendar to free up some breathing space on your last day in the office. You will be more focused and relaxed to accomplish what you need to get done most.

2) Take stock of your accomplishments for the past year (and the biggest obstacle still holding you back) 

The end of the year can sometimes leave you feeling like you didn’t accomplish many of your goals – this is common! Yet, there are many accomplishments along the way to becoming who you want to become and progress towards those goals. 

So take an hour or two, grab a coffee and quiet place and reflect on the past year, professionally and personally. Be specific. This can give you energy, clarity and leave you with a sense of accomplishment to end the year.

  • What were your biggest wins/accomplishments for the year? Where did you move the needle? What are the good things that happened in your life? How did you grow to overcome negative experiences or challenges? Really push yourself to list out at the very least 10 accomplishments from your year.

  • What is the biggest obstacle still getting in your way of reaching your goals for yourself? Pinpoint the ONE constraint that if you tackled it you would make everything else easier in your work and rest of life and more easily reach your goals. It could be poor boundaries, or lack of focus, or not delegating enough . . . what’s the one biggest obstacle still getting in your way?

  • How did you help serve others or make someone else’s life better? You can increase your well-being when you connect your contributions to others. How did you help your team be successful? How did you help an employee or colleague who was really struggling? What are small acts of kindness you’ve shown to others? How have you helped your kids to make better choices? Acknowledge these small, meaningful efforts.

  • What do you aspire to? List out as many things as possible that you want for yourself and others. Why are they important to you? What makes you matter? This helps give a sense on where do you want to go from here and what you want most for yourself.

3) Take a REAL break over the holidays and be present with your family and friends, and give yourself time to recharge

Put your phone away, turn off your email notifications, spend quality time with people instead of running around, be patient and kind when your parents are driving you crazy, read a book, go skiing with your kids, do what gives you joy . . . whatever it is. You never know what tomorrow will bring, so live in the now. 

Anytime you find your attention drifting to the past or future, bring it back to the present and focus your attention in the moment. Plus, when you can truly be present and enjoy this time, you’ll have more energy to head into the New Year.

4) Block 1-2 days in your calendar now for when you are back in the office to create space for strategic focus (be proactive instead of reactive to start the New Year)

Before jumping back into the fires of the day, spend some focused time to reflect on your goals for the upcoming year and focus for the next 90 days. Go back to your reflection of the previous year. 

What do you want to achieve? What will move the needle? Who do you want to be and how do you want to show up? What’s your plan to overcome once and for all the biggest obstacle still getting in your way? How can you be more mindful and present instead of racing through your days? How can you help your team be successful? There are many questions you could ask yourself. 

The important thing is you take time to strategically think through what you want for the upcoming year, for your team and for you as a person. Start your year off strong and strategic – set a positive tone for 2019!

When you block days in your calendar before and after a vacation, it can take the pressure off of everything to do, so that you can really enjoy your break, knowing you’ll have breathing space in your calendar to focus on what’s important at the office.

What Next?

If your goals are to be focused with your time and attention, calmer, more balanced, strengthen your relationships and/or be more effective as a leader so you can accomplish what’s important (and let go of what isn’t), I can help you reach those goals . . .

Here are three ways we could partner together in January:

1) Take Back Your Time Workshop: One-day virtual workshop to create focus, work less and accomplish more. Click here for the details and to register for the early bird pricing available for a few more days.

2) Be At Your Best 90-Day Program: This is my signature program where I work with professionals who want to go from stressed to thriving to create focus, ease when facing challenges, confidence and inner calm so that you can perform better, lead stronger and enjoy your days way more at work and at home (online program and group coaching)

3) Private 1:1 Executive Coaching: This is dedicated, one-on-one focus on your goals to achieve what you want most by shifting your thinking and behaviors to bring out your inner resourcefulness and potential. I have one spot available to start in January 2019.

If you’re ready for change and to stop settling for the way things are, I’d love to extend an invite to book a short call with me before you head off for the holidays and we can see if/what’s a right fit for you.

On this call, you’ll gain clarity on what you want, what’s getting in your way and how to best move forward for that strong start in 2019! Plus a tip or two how to tackle what’s getting in your way now.

CLICK HERE to book by Friday, December 21, 2018 to see how we could partner together in the New Year. I’d love to support you in achieving what you want most if it’s the right fit for you. Regardless, commit to yourself to find that better path to be successful!

4 Simple Ways To Wrap Up The Year, Enjoy The Holiday Season & Start 2019 Off Strong!

Happy holidays from my family to yours. I wish you all the best in the coming year.

Stacey L. Olson

What Next?

You can sign up for Stacey's masterclass, The Confident "No" here.

Stacey Olson

Stacey L. Olson is a Leadership and Certified Positive Psychology Coach, has 15 years of corporate experience and has gone through her own transformational change from burning out to balanced in life while performing at a high level (both in her corporate career and own business). She works with professionals who want to work less, live more and be their best even with all the demands, high expectations and messiness of everyday life. Stacey is the founder of The Balanced Leader™ program and offers executive and leadership coaching, workshops, and speaking.

Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

Stacey L. Olson

Stacey Olson, CPPC, works with busy leaders and teams who want to create more balance, stress less, and perform even better.

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