
It's Okay to Disconnect From Work

It's Okay to Disconnect From Work

Do you find it hard to disconnect from work to take a vacation or really enjoy your personal time? ...more

Self Improvement

June 19, 20242 min read

Feel Confident in Yourself and Your Choices

Feel Confident in Yourself and Your Choices

Want to know what it takes to have confidence in yourself, even when the fear of failure is high? This is what I want to talk about today! ...more

Self Improvement

June 10, 20243 min read

My Book is Now Available!

My Book is Now Available!

I am feeling so many emotions today. A former client now friend, Julie, sent me a text this morning with a screenshot of her purchase and all of a sudden the tears started pouring out. ...more

Self Improvement

June 05, 20241 min read

When Everything Seems to be Going Wrong

When Everything Seems to be Going Wrong

I want to talk to you today about what can help navigate the tougher days and when everything feels like it's going wrong. I'm sure you've had those days! ...more

Self Improvement

May 30, 20242 min read

Prioritize What Really Matters

Prioritize What Really Matters

Nothing is more deflating than being really busy—wearing your busy badge—and also feeling as if you aren’t making any progress. You might be giving it your all, yet work is still seeping into your pe... ...more

Self Improvement

May 16, 20244 min read

Writing a Book Has Been a Truly Humbling Experience

Writing a Book Has Been a Truly Humbling Experience

Writing a book has been a truly humbling experience—and probably the biggest project I've taken on since my corporate days! ...more

Self Improvement

April 26, 20244 min read

Do You Need to Cut Yourself Some Slack?

Do You Need to Cut Yourself Some Slack?

If you want to be balanced in your life, it comes with learning how to feel better, be present in and enjoy your daily experiences – the good and the not-so-good moments. ...more


April 09, 20244 min read

You Matter Too

You Matter Too

The idea of making myself the number one priority has never rung true for me, because if I were truly doing so, there are A LOT of things I would NOT do. ...more


March 22, 20242 min read

Work-Life Balance – What Does It Even Mean?

Work-Life Balance – What Does It Even Mean?

The phrase “work-life balance” is a funny notion. After all, work is a part of your life, as are family, relationships, personal interests, giving back to others and your health. ...more

Click Here For My First Blog Post

January 24, 20179 min read

Now Available on Amazon!

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For ideas for action, life-changing perspective shifts and inspiring nudges to be your best even with all the demands and expectations. I keep it real, share the everyday messiness of life and empower you to find a positive path forward.

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