When Everything Seems To Be Going Wrong!

When Everything Seems To Be Going Wrong!

October 20, 20224 min read

You ever have one of those weeks where so many things seem to be going wrong? You are like, WTF is happening?

You end up feeling more stressed out, more frustrated, and even further behind!

Well, for me, the past four weeks have seemed like one thing after another.

A death in the family, a project falling through, Covid, septic problems at the cabin, a serious issue with a kid at school, and more.

But what is SO different for me now versus a few years ago is that I can navigate the ups and downs with far more ease, calm, and presence . . . and even joy.

And, keeping it real, what's not going as well for me is that I'm not as productive as I would like to be, but I have learned how to handle that better too.

This change didn't happen overnight. To be able to better navigate the curveballs that life will inevitably throw . . .

It comes with learning how to live and lead with your values.

It comes with honoring your boundaries to protect your time and energy.

It comes with focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you cannot.

It comes with re-prioritizing and saying ‘no’ more (sometimes daily).

It comes with being aware of your thoughts and actions, and whether they are helping you or hurting you.

It comes with optimism and shifting your perspective to see the situation in a better way.

It comes with listening to what you need.

It comes with leaning on the people around you and asking for help.

It comes with being kind to yourself and granting yourself grace when you don't show up in the way you want.

It comes with focusing on everything that is going right, instead of just what is going wrong.

You see it's not what's happening to you, it's how you view and respond to what's happening that makes ALL the difference.

And it's the small daily shifts you make in your mindset, decisions and priorities, and the small steps you take toward creating boundaries, saying no, and carving out breathing space, that ultimately can get you to where you want to do.

So if you’re feeling behind or overwhelmed with everything life (and your company) is throwing at you right now, just know that you’re not alone.

And know that there is a positive path forward for you.

Let’s get to the bottom of what’s holding you back from having the time, presence and energy for what really matters to you, at work and at home.

Let me get to know you, your challenges, where you’re going, and where I can help.

And then, if I can help you, I’ll tell you. If I can’t, I’ll tell you.

You deserve to be happier, more balanced, and successful – not feeling constantly torn between your work and personal life, always behind, and letting the hard times bring you down and keeping you from being the leader you want to be.

If this is you, click here to book a call, and let’s have a conversation.

I am looking to work with caring and ambitious leaders (at any level) who want to stop working all those evenings and weekends, step out of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed each day, and be more present and focused with their time.

This is for you if you've had enough and you are willing to take responsibility for the life you've created and think and approach your days in a different way.

This means not being a victim. No waiting for everything and everyone else around you to change. No looking to blame someone else for the problems in your life.

A whole new level of leadership, resilience and happiness is waiting for you.

If this sounds like you, let’s have a short call and get clear about what’s holding you back from feeling confident in your choices and being more balanced (and resilient) in your life.

Book a Balanced Leader Breakthrough Session.

"It's not about the cards you're dealt, but how you play the hand". - Randy Pausch

Let me help you play your hand better!

Stacey L. Olson

P.S. You've got this

What Next?

You can sign up for Stacey's masterclass, The Confident "No" here.

Stacey Olson

Stacey L. Olson is a Leadership and Certified Positive Psychology Coach, has 15 years of corporate experience and has gone through her own transformational change from burning out to balanced in life while performing at a high level (both in her corporate career and own business). She works with professionals who want to work less, live more and be their best even with all the demands, high expectations and messiness of everyday life. Stacey is the founder of The Balanced Leader™ program and offers executive and leadership coaching, workshops, and speaking.

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