The Big Secret Few Busy Leaders Get

The Big Secret Few Busy Leaders Get

June 15, 20224 min read

The power and value of my work -- and why I do it -- is to empower others to be the confident, balanced leaders they want to be without sacrificing performance.

To feel happier and prioritize well-being, have the time and energy for ALL the important areas of their life, and feel present and centered even when things are chaotic around them.

They lead even stronger and perform even better when they discover how to do this.

You see, the secret is that work/life balance and high performance go hand in hand. They are not opposing. When you do less, you can actually achieve more.

It’s not work and then you have a life. Work IS a part of your life! So let’s figure out how to succeed at both.

The problem with most leaders and high performers who aren’t reaching their full potential is they are seriously out of balance with themselves and the rest of their life.

They keep waiting for external circumstances to change instead of driving it internally. Instead of being a leader, they are being led and don’t even realize it.

How do I know this so well?

This was me for many years, and it impacted my ability to show up as the calm, present, and focused leader I am today (who also has messy times juggling business, kids, and the ups and downs).

Instead of being proactive and owning my day, I used to:

  • Work 60 to 80 hour weeks with three kids at home

  • Check my emails and respond to messages non-stop and let everyone else’s requests dictate my day (and into the evening)

  • Schedule meetings back-to-back and not leave time to get my own work done

  • Wake up feeling anxious and overwhelmed with all that was on my plate

  • Have very little energy and patience left for my family at the end of the day

I thought I was doing what was needed of me but realized I was creating a career and life that was not enabling me to show up as the leader I wanted to be.

I wasn’t showing up as my best self anywhere and lost a bit of who I was in the process. I thought I was a high performer but had no idea a whole other level existed.

Looking back, I had convinced myself that I was doing it the only way it could be done. I now know better.

I went to a 40-hour work week -- cold turkey -- learned how to keep boundaries and say no, and had more time and energy for my family DURING the most demanding time of my corporate career. And got a promotion. You see, I performed even better!

And what I know now is that you need to urgently take action instead of settling for the part of your life where you are unhappy.

Your life is happening RIGHT NOW. And you are missing it when you are spread thin, overwhelmed each day, and constantly torn between your work and home life.

Many leaders like you are no longer willing to settle for feeling overwhelmed every day, sacrificing being present with your family and enjoying your personal time, or burning out. They just don’t know how to change.

Let me show you the way, and help you figure out what works for YOU to trust yourself more (there is no one-size-fits-all answer) to become the confident, balanced leader you want to be who performs even better and leads even stronger.

I am accepting a small number of clients for my unique 12-week coaching program: The Balanced Leader.

This is for you if you want to step into the version of you who:

  • Enjoys your days by creating stronger boundaries, making your happiness and well-being the priority, and calming your busy mind to be more present

  • Fuels your performance by being strategic with your time so you are focused on real priorities and feel confident to speak up and say no more

  • Brings out the best in others so you can have more connection, patience and influence with the people around you and be the leader you aspire to be

This is for you if you're ready to say no to what you don’t want so you can say yes to what you do.

I am as eager to do this with you as you are for the change!

I invite you to book a complimentary call to see if it's the right fit. I’ll share all the details so that you can make a decision that's best for YOU.

It’s time. You can join us or you can stay. It's your choice.

All my best, 

Stacey L. Olson

What Next?

You can sign up for Stacey's masterclass, The Confident "No" here.

Stacey Olson

Stacey L. Olson is a Leadership and Certified Positive Psychology Coach, has 15 years of corporate experience and has gone through her own transformational change from burning out to balanced in life while performing at a high level (both in her corporate career and own business). She works with professionals who want to work less, live more and be their best even with all the demands, high expectations and messiness of everyday life. Stacey is the founder of The Balanced Leader™ program and offers executive and leadership coaching, workshops, and speaking.

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